Using the Act on Behalf Of Feature of Office365Mon

One of the early feature requests we got at Office365Mon was to be able to support admins working on behalf of other customers.  So first it’s probably worth pointing out what the means in the context of a service like ours: it means you can manage multiple Office365Mon subscriptions from a single account.  This scenario might apply to you if:

  • You have multiple Office 365 and/or Exchange Online subscriptions.  For example, you may be an IT Pro at an organization where you have multiple tenants, or you have different tenants for development and testing versus production, etc.
  • You are a reseller of Office 365 and/or Exchange Online and you want an ability to be notified when ANY of the tenants you’ve sold experiences an outage.

So now that you understand the scenario we’re trying to address, let’s talk about how you actually set this up in Office365Mon. First, you will still need to have an account in each tenant that you use for monitoring (i.e. it will have a mailbox and/or Read rights to the o365 site you are monitoring).  Then you will need to log in at least once to Office365Mon as that account to grant rights to the mailbox and/or o365 site.  I’ve tried to explain the process here:

After you’ve done that setup, add the account you want to use to manage all of your tenants with to the list of Subscription Admins in Office365Mon.  That’s it – after you’ve set up all the subscriptions you want to manage, you can log into Office365Mon with your uber admin account and when you do you’ll see a simple dropdown with all of the subscriptions you can manage in it.  This dropdown appears on the Configure, Features and Reports page.  You can switch between them by just selecting the subscription you want to manage from the dropdown.  The reports in particular is pretty cool, because you can see all the reports for every tenant now (as long as they have a license to Basic or Advanced Reports, which everyone does at first).

That’s how it works.  This is just our first push of “Act on Behalf Of” features.  If there are other things you’d like to see then please, as always, just drop us an email at


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